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  • feldmesterin

Khoydesh Elul is upon us ...

And this means it's time to measure another cemetery. This Sunday I, Kohenet Shamira, and musician Eleonore Weil will be returning to the Workers' Circle section of Mount Carmel, in an event co-sponsored by the Workers' Circle, the Shamir Collective and the Shomer Collective. Participants will learn a bit about the history of this practice and of the Workers' Circle, and will learn how to measure a cemetery, individual graves and how to make candles from the thread. Everyone will go home with the materials to make two neskhome likht - soul candles - for Yom Kippur. Full details/tickets available here: ​​

I am thrilled to be joining the incredible team of Stray Far, Come Close: a Queer/Trans Mystical Journey through the High Holy Days. This online program is currently at capacity, but you can use this form to be added to the waitlist if you are interested.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to read more about how this project developed and also from others working with Yiddish spirituality, you can read this interview in Gashmius magazine by my dear friend, incredible Yiddishistke and tuerin Sarah Biskowitz.

And finally: I have not been posting too much recently as I am in the purpose of transforming this work into something that (tfu tfu tfu) will hopefully be published in the not-too-distant future. But please stay tuned for further course offerings coming up in the fall.

Wishing everyone a meaningful khoydesh (month of) Elul, whatever that may look like Annie

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